Bicycle Civil Liberties Union (BCLU) The Bicycle Civil Liberties Union Bicycle Civil Liberties Union (BCLU)

BCLU Resources

  1. Your Bike Rights Package. This was developed primarily to help victims of police abuse at Berkeley Critical Mass but has helpful information for cyclists throughout the state.

  2. What to do if you get doored. (From Transportation Alternatives, New York City, USA).

  3. Look up California Law at You can also find further information including bills at You can purchase a copy of the California Vehicle Code at any DMV for $3.

  4. Looking to document the extent that people suffer for and subsidize for driving? One primary resource is the Victoria Institute, In California, the California Association of Bicycle Organizations (CABO) has put together this page:

  5. Stop signs should be considered yield signs for bicycles.

  6. Problems with police in San Francisco? Be sure to file a complaint with the Office of Citizens Complaints (OCC). The process is very easy. Just go to and download the form. Print it out, fill it in and mail it. You'll get a phone call from the OCC and they will interview you. Don't forget to let us know what happened! Fill out an an abuse report as well. The San Francisco Bicycle Coalition (SFBC ) has been working hard in San Francisco to improve police treatment of motori st violence and negligence against bicyclists and pedestrians. They have set up a hotline to document and help in these cases: (415) 431-BIKE, extension 9.

  7. Bridge-biking ticket-fighting strategies.

  8. Expose media bias against bicyclists.

  9. Working cyclists may use more than 2/3 more food than non-cyclists and should be able to deduct this expense from their taxes just as commercial vehicles are allowed to deduct their gasoline. Check out food as fuel.

  10. The Critical Mass Police Abuse Hotline (and general ticket fighting resource) may be contacted at 415 289-6503 (no longer in service -- care to sponsor one?). And of course you can always call the BCLU at (510) 720-2818 (pager for Jason Meggs).

  11. Our rights in discussion of the principles of the U.S. Constitution.

    This page is looking for someone to adopt it, who would like to research and expand it.

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