Berkeley City Council to consider Car-Free Month Resolution: Draft Resolution ************************ Kriss Worthington Councilmember, City of Berkeley District 7 1900 Addison Street, Second Floor Berkeley, CA 94704 PHONE 510-644-6398 FAX 510-644-4822 CONSENT CALENDAR September 19, 2000 To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council From: Councilmember Kriss Worthington Councilmember Dona Spring Subject: SUPPORT PROCLAMATION FOR SEPTEMBER AS CAR-FREE MONTH AND WAIVE FEES FOR TWO BLOCK PARTIES FOR A CELEBRATION OF CAR-FREE MONTH RECOMMENDATION: That the Berkeley City Council support a proclamation for September as Car-Free Month and waive fees for two block parties on Haste and Channing between College and Bowditch on Sunday, October 1st for a celebration of Car-Free Month. BACKGROUND: Motor vehicles have a tremendous impact on our neighborhoods, quality of life issues such as noise and safety, and our environment. During the month of September we encourage everyone to utilize the rich diversity in transportation alternatives in the Bay Area and celebrate this month as a Car-Free Month to educate and support a sustainable society. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: $30. CONTACT PERSON: Councilmember Kriss Worthington 644-6398. Councilmember Dona Spring 644-6266. ************************************************** HONOR SEPTEMBER AS CAR-FREE MONTH WHEREAS, The City of Berkeley supports measures to stave off destruction of the environment such as reducing the amount of emissions of motor vehicle exhaust in hopes of averting further global warming-related tragedies; and WHEREAS, The City of Berkeley supports efforts to reduce human rights abuses around the world, such as boycotting petroleum companies which abuse human rights; and WHEREAS, Many who are too poor or so principled that they do not own automobiles are frequently excluded from jobs, services, and opportunities; and WHEREAS, Those who do not own automobiles are constantly required to suffer for and subsidize automobiles; and WHEREAS, There is a growing international movement to support car-free living, provide car-free housing, and require motor vehicles to pay their own way; and WHEREAS, The City of Berkeley currently does not allow those who do not wish to own a motor vehicle to do so without paying large subsidies for parking lots, street repair, emergency services, traffic and parking enforcement, pollution abatement, land subsidies and loss of housing, health costs, traffic planning, traffic signals, special parking permit programs, and other costs and services; and WHEREAS, The City of Berkeley General Plan calls for reducing automobile usage and increasing the use of alternative transportation, yet automobile usage has increased significantly since the passage of that plan in 1977; and WHEREAS, The City of Berkeley wishes to improve transit service throughout the Bay Area, yet private automobile interests presently receive the vast amount of public dollars; and WHEREAS, Protestors of the Underhill Parking Lot at the University of Berkeley, California have brought tremendous attention to the university's plan of providing more parking spaces over the students' needs of additional, affordable student housing that is close to campus; and WHEREAS, September is the "back-to-school" month, a time when bicycle and pedestrian injuries typically increase, exemplifying the need to incorporate bicycle and pedestrian education into the school system including UC Berkeley's orientation; and WHEREAS, September is the month of the anniversary of the first person killed by automobile in North America, H.H. Bliss, who was struck down by an electric taxicab as he helped a woman step down from a trolley in New York City on September 13, 1899; and WHEREAS, Since that day over 5 million U.S. citizens have been killed by automobile, more than four times the number killed by all this country's wars, and millions have been disabled by automobile collisions; and WHEREAS, Numerous local groups including the Berkeley Gray Panthers, BayPeds, the Bus Rider's Union, Ecocity Builders, the Bicycle Civil Liberties Union, the HUB: Center for Appropriate Transport, and the Bicycle-Friendly Berkeley Coalition support the concept of September being a Car-Free Month; and WHEREAS, The third Thursday in September has been declared the World Car-Free Day (September 21st, 2000). THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Berkeley City Council recognizes September as "Car-Free Month", a month to honor, celebrate and support those who live without automobiles, and to renew the commitment to basic freedoms such as justice, equality, equity, health, safety and access for all people, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Berkeley hereby proclaims the month of September as Car-Free Month. in the City of Berkeley and urges all citizens of our City to reflect now and throughout the year on ways all of us can live and work together with a commitment to mutual respect and understanding. _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ Mayor Shirley Dean Vice Mayor Maudelle Shirek Councilmember Linda Maio _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ Councilmember Margaret Breland Councilmember Dona Spring Councilmember Diane Woolley _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ Councilmember Betty Olds Councilmember Kriss Worthington Councilmember Polly Armstrong
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