The Bicycle Civil Liberties Union


Bicycle Civil Liberties Union

Box 15071

Berkeley CA 94712-6071


Phone: (510) 273-9288

FAX: (510) 486-1528

Pager for director Jason Meggs: (510) 720-2818





June 30, 2000

Governor duhAvis rent-a-car ASLEEP AT THE WHEEL!

Thousands of bicyclists take to the streets of San Francisco in Protest

Gathering 5:30 PM to leave after 6 PM, Justin Herman Plaza


Despite widespread public support for bicycle and pedestrian projects in this time of massive budget surplus, Governor duhAvis has ensured more congestion and unsustainable sprawl -- which we will all pay dearly for -- while crushing the walking and bicycling modes which are critical for transit, community, and good health:











Lots of other important stuff was slashed, reportedly just so the State of California will have "extra surplus". The state is very "flush" right now, it's time to lay in for hard times, not go out on a limb for more auto-dependence and all its costs and harms.



On top of that, neither the Good Roads (SB1629) and the $18 Million for Enhancements (SB1809) made it out of the Senate committee. They will hear it again in Sacramento one more time, August 7th -- be there!




The only thing we're getting: 4 out of 14 bicycle coordinator.



IT'S NOT LIKE WE DIDN'T TRY!!! There were hundreds if not thousands of of letters from local organizations; last weekend, more than 1,100 signatures were gathered in emergency response over two days (see copy at; walked around the Capital meeting with offices in person, hand delivered to 15 different legislators on the Conference Committee that authored the bills who are the leaders from both parties in the Assembly and Senate; there was a phone call/fax campaign to Governor for this week, lead by the Surface Transportation Policy Project (STPP); hundreds if not thousands of letters have poured in from a wide spectrum of constituents (parents, teachers, etc.); representatives personally met with the Governor's office and other offices. And all the while, the death toll continues to rise.