PRESS RELEASE Bike the Bridge! Coalition Contact: Jason Meggs, BTB!C East Bay Coordinator, PAGE: 510-720-2818 ; work: 510-643-5722 ; voicemail: 510-273-9288 FAX: 510-486-1528 ; e-mail Web site FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Monday, October 2, 2000 BICYCLISTS TAKE THE BRIDGE! Bicyclists protest Governor Davis' deadly actions, transportation, housing & environment. Press spokesperson is at the south end of the Transbay Transit Terminal (bike shuttle stop) As this release is being faxed, a group of bicyclists has rallied to bike the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge. While the cyclists are protesting a wide range of outstanding issues, this demonstration is an emergency response to the Governor's VETO of Senate Bill 1629 (the "Good Roads Bill") last Friday, along with other important legislation including SB 1809, which would have allowed more trails to be built. This group has no intention of blocking traffic! In fact, bicycles are traffic and everyday bicyclists are being blocked from travel even as we suffer for and subsidize single-occupancy motor vehicles. The last major bridge ride was September 10, 1998. At that time, the CHP needlessly blocked both the Transbay Terminal and Fremont off-ramps, causing a major backup -- in violation of their own policies and the law. In addition, the CHP has in the past illegally arrested bicyclists on the bridge -- biking the bridge is a mere infraction. ISSUES WHICH WE ARE PROTESTING: 1. Governor Davis' veto of SB 1629 and 1809, and his theft of our tax dollars by cutting us out of the largest transportation budget the state has ever seen. 25% of traffic fatalities are suffered by bicyclists and pedestrians, yet we receive less than 1% of transportation funding. Davis ignores the epidemic of fatalities which is plaguing our streets, and the road rage, poor planning and inequity that is responsible; 2. The Army Corps of Engineers' rubber-stamping of the proposed replacement of the East Span. The proposed new bridge would be exorbitantly costly and would remove the invaluable rail access; 3. The proposed "Southern Crossing" which would simply exacerbate the effects of sprawl and motorcar dependency, drain our precious transportation funds, and irreparably harm the fragile bay; 4. The system of motorcar dependency which has been allowed to develop in the Bay Area and across this nation which destroys our communities, tears out housing, drives up housing prices, promotes urban blight, leaches tax dollars, paves over our farmlands, destroys habitat, spreads disease and fuels deforestation, saps huge amounts of our precious and dwindling natural resources, and sets us up for inevitable economic and environmental collapse. The Bay Area should be focusing on building sustainable cities, in the form of car-free communities well-served by transit; Our group is inspired by Car Free Cities, a landmark new text by J.H. Crawford ( and Think Big, a new film by Eric McCaughrin, (copies available), showing what a sustainable Bay Area could look like; 5. The system of oil dependency which is directly responsible for genocide of indigenous peoples across the world, for global warming and its impending holocaust, and for the destruction of habitat and ecosystems which is causing the earth to lose species at an unprecedented rate of extinction; 6. The building of motorcar-only structures such as the Bay Bridge which prohibit sustainable modes of travel. The right to travel under one's own power is an inalienable right which shall not be abridged. 7. Discrimination and violence against bicyclists and pedestrians by police, motorists, transportation planners, traffic engineers, government officials, transit service providers, courts, and employers. People not associated with this protest who can speak to the legislative issues include: James Corless, Surface Transportation Policy Project (STPP), (415) 415-956-7795 Debbie Hubsmith, Marin County Bicycle Coalition: (415) 488-1245 Chris Morfas, California Bicycle Coalition, (916) 446-7558 Josh Hart, Rails to Trails, (415) 397-2220 Dave Snyder and Leah Shahum, San Francisco Bicycle Coalition, (415) 431-BIKE, ext. 2 or 3) Robert Raburn, East Bay Bicycle Coalition, (510) 530-3444 Zachary Wald, BayPeds, (510) 334-6598