Bike the Bridge!
"The Earth First! of the Bike Movement"
and so much more...feel the bridge imperative!

The BTBC was very active from 1996 until around 2000. There is still much work to do and other groups are taking on more of a role. Feel free to contact us for the best way to plug in. As of March 2006, there is still a serious need to campaign for the second half of the Bay Bridge (for a west span path to SF from the islands) and to finally win access to the Richmond Bridge, which now stands as a stark monument to CalTrans' opposition to bicycle travel, a 30+ year injustice.

Please see our lotsa cool pages at our old address, and photos of our most recent Bay Bridge action here.

FYI: Caltrans' Freeway Access Study which concerns the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge and (un)freeways throughout the state.

Also a number of nice letters to the editor. Not to mention a big discussion on newsnet about whether the bridge bikers blocked traffic (they didn't) with some exemplary language in our defense. Check ba.bicycles newsgroup if interested.

Up until Wednesday, one rider was still in jail on bogus "Felony Conspiracy" and other charges, with bail set at $5,712.00!

You may enjoy seeing their arrest photos.
For the press, here are slower-to-load, but somewhat higher-quality images.

---> What do we need besides your love and support? Loaner bicycles!!!
Not to mention help for our next action :)

Please see our lotsa cool pages at our old address.

Bike the Bridge: P.O. Box 15071, Berkeley, CA 94712-6071, FX (510) 486-1528, email: jmeggs @@@ bikethebridge -dot- org.

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