Bicycle Civil Liberties Union
Justice for Berkeley Critical Mass
Hate and misinformation cycle repeats:
May 11, 2007 Road Rage Incident
Example of hate speech directed at peaceful demonstrators.
Harlan Head yanked his wife and dragged her away from the scene, with no evidence of physical disability.
SCIPIOXXX of youtube writes:
Wheels of Change? (July 26, 2008)
You should be ashamed of yourself. So, let me get this straight; you
and a hundred or so of your "bicycle thugs" attack some, poor old man
and his wife that are just trying to make their way down the street
after you and your faux hippy freinds created an impassable traffic
obstacle in their path. Then, when you surround this feeble old man
and his wife like some angry mob, leaving them no other option, he
runs over a couple of your bikes? So,...what's the problem? Good for
them! I'm glad they ran over your bikes - you're lucky he didn't run
over you and your friends too (which he would have been completely
justified in doing). Just think about it for a second: its a hundred
or more 20 twenty-something young people on bikes against and old man
and his wife in a van. Oooh, I'm sure you and your friends were
petrified! The poor old man probably has little to no motor control
and take two steps without feeling some sort of pain and hear you are
trying to make yourselves out to be the victims. You make me fucking and your sniveling, snot-assed faggot friends on bijkes. I
hope you get cancer of the ass and die a slow, miserable death (which
is only the least of what you deserve when it comes to terms of
collective karma). From now on in I'm starting a campagin to encourage
people to attack bicyclsits sight-on-scene; punching them in the face
and braking their bicycles. Looking forward to seeing you soon, you
lying, scum-infested, yellow cunt
Re: Wheels of Change?
Hi ScipioXXX,
Weird name you've got there.
No, I shouldn't be ashamed of myself, but you should be for taking
this insane position. Where did you get your misinformation? Are you a
pawn of the auto industry?
There is no age limit for using a gun or car or knife as a weapon. In
this case the driver used two of those. He attacked a group.
My role is legal observer and advocate for people's rights.
There is a lot written about this at the BCLU faq on the topic:
Moreover, I'm concerned about your violent attitudes, threats and sick
language. It's totally out of order. You may not agree with people's
rights, the U.S. Constitution, critical thinking, compassion,
protecting the environment, etc., and may have some pathological
aversion to people who you perceive as different from you, but it
doesn't make you right and it doesn't justify violence.
Thanks and get well soon!
Jason Meggs
Your ally for a better world.
p.s. If you happen to see the driver, please let him know he still
owes restitution and to make a public apology. You just owe me an
SCIPIOXXX of youtube replies:
RE: Wheels of Change? (July 26, 2008)
Re: Re: Wheels of Change? Its people like you that make me be an
advocate for public exection. Assholes like you should be stuffed in a
barrel, set on fire, and rolled down a hill (with what's left your
faggoty little bike once I run it over with a car).
There is alot written about this topic and a discussion of resoluition
issues at
Morever, I'm concerned about your apparent dellusions and lack of any
connection to reality. Not to mention your ugly, sick hippy shit you
shell and your faggoty ways - it makes me fucking sick.
People like you should be deported
Frankie Sardines your ally for a better world
p.s. If you happen to see me on the street and I take my fist and ram
it into your face, please don't expect an apology.
MEDIA: Contact Jason Meggs, (510) 725-9991 for
original footage and
terms for broadcast.
The attacker. He barelled across a large intersection to collide with the demonstration,
which was proceeding in an orderly fashion after passing through a green light.
These poor children, who had been traveling in a bicycle trailer, were
very traumatized by the attack, which was terrifying for the group.
Earlier, the demonstration traveled without incident through Berkeley.
This ongoing event is now in its 15th year of monthly rides.