Radical Bike Resources -- Advocacy -- Bicycle Civil Liberties Union (BCLU) -- ABUSE REPORTS The Bicycle Civil Liberties Union The Bicycle Civil Liberties Union ABUSE REPORT:

Denver, Colorado refuses bicycle pedicab license but allows two-stroke pedicab

Date of Incident:
Received: Sunday, April 18, 1999 at 11:32:56


The City of Denver will not allow me to run a pedicab business during
the day, yet a person who has a pedicab with a two-cycle motor
attached is allowed to run his business during the day because he is
able to go more than 25 mph.  The only place we are excluded and he is
allowed is the Central Business District.  This makes hardly any sense
because the streets are so congested, you can't go 25 mph anyway.
Also, it is cars impeding cars, the fact that we may slow someone down
getting to the next stop sign hardly should be the issue.  Also, if
one does door to door measurements of speed to different destinations
in the downtown area, we are always much faster because one can hardly
park within walking distance of any destination in Downtown Denver.
This rule is made by one sole bureaucrat in the city department of
public works.  He basically doesn't like bikes, because they are an
annoyance to cars.  What should I do?


Steve Meyer

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